Prom Affair
  • Phone Number
    • 780-902-0058Primary
    • 1-844-423-3247Tollfree
    • 780-481-8828Fax
  • Phone Number
    • 780-902-0058Primary
    • 1-844-423-3247Tollfree
    • 780-481-8828Fax
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Editor’s Pick
Pretty prom dresses for a perfect night in Edmonton

Pretty prom dresses for a perfect night in Edmonton

This shop carries designer prom dresses guaranteed to turn heads. Previously known as Style America, the store moved from its former location inside West Edmonton Mall to a spot about five minutes away. Open every day of the week, Prom Affair is a popular choice among Edmonton’s grads because of their huge selection of styles and brands. They carry beautiful gowns from Jovani, Mac Duggal, Terani Couture, Sherri Hill and more. They also carry a wide variety of sizes – many of their dresses go from sizes 00 to 24. Plus, they focus solely on dresses, making your search easier.

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