Mission Statement: The Calgary Climbing Centre's Stretch Your Limits Program enables participants to think proactively about each course activity as it pertains to the workplace, as well as, to daily life! We set up course expectations and explain how you can achieve these goals and the individual benefits to you. Corporate Climbing Experience Outdoors Why not head out to the stunning mountains and spend a day climbing. Let our experienced guides take you out to the Rockies where you will spend a worry free day playing on the rock. This is the perfect course for anyone who has been interested in rock climbing outdoors but has no previous experience. We'll introduce you to the outdoor climbing experience and you just need to show up ready to have an amazing time. Call 403-252-6778 for Prices and Availability. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do...Explore.-Mark Twainmore...See more text