We provide quality acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine treatments. We help people with different health conditions. We have two registered acupuncturists and doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.We are located at 231 14 Street NW Calgary AB. Patients come in to our clinic for the services. We do a detailed assessment first. We then make a treatment plan base on patients' conditions. Treatments may include acupuncture , herbal medicine, cupping therapy, electrical simulations, therapeutic heat therapy.Dr. Mandy Liu was a medical doctor in China. She was trained in both western and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). She had been practicing medicine and acupuncture since 1995 in China. Dr. Liu became a registered acupuncturist and Doctor of TCM in Canada in 2005. Dr. Liu speaks fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Dr.Liu specializes in pain and stress relief, injuries, male and female infertility, digestive disorders, immune boost and woman's health.more...See more text