
Products and Services

  • Gloves,
  • Shawls,
  • Scarves,
  • Handbags,
  • Jewellery,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
9188 Glover Rd, Langley Twp, BC V1M 3S2
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

"Anyone can wear a hat, it just takes attitude" is owner Roxann McKamey's mantra. "Okay, it's true that some people can wear more varieties of hats than others because of face shape, colouring and so on," she admits, "but basically, if you come in here and tell me that hats don't suit you, I'll find at least half a dozen that you could wear successfully."

Roxann finds that today, more than ever, hats are big fashion items. "We lost some hat wearers in the 1960s," she notes, but is pleased to observe that hats are trending among today's youth. "Also, we have the perfect climate for hats: it rains a lot and it's not that windy."

Roxann sells hats for men and women, young and old. "Berets have never gone out of fashion for either men or women," she says, "and cloche hats, popular in the 1920s, are still going strong because a lot of people are able to wear them. For the men, fedoras are always a good choice, and Barmah sells a great line of Australian leather hats that are water resistant. Young people love toques, and we're talking some fancy toques here. They've evolved to the point that you will see young men in a suit and a toque. We have hundreds to choose from in the store."

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