Take control of your financial life by working with a professional who will provide you with a complete examination before recommending any solutions. An advisor qualified to recognize and perform a thorough analysis of your situation. As a Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Financial Planner, Chartered Investment Manager, Certified Health Insurance Specialist and Financial Divorce Specialist, as well as a practicing tax preparer for families and small businesses, I can show you the secrets banks and credit card companies don’t want you to know. I can show you how my clients take control of their financial life, pay their debts off faster, know the exact date they will be free from each debt, and accumulate hundreds of thousands of dollars in future wealth – by using the money they are ALREADY giving the bank! In fact, many of my clients pay off ALL their debts – including their mortgage in as a little as 5 -7- 9 years!more...See more text