Clint Roenisch Gallery Inc
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  • art galleries,
Esri, TomTom, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap
190 Saint Helens Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 4A1
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Editor’s Pick
Cool contemporary art galleries in Toronto's west end

Cool contemporary art galleries in Toronto's west end

Opening night parties at this contemporary gallery are the stuff of legends, attracting throngs of Toronto’s creative-types and art lovers. After over a decade on West Queen West, Clint Roenisch relocated his eponymous gallery in 2014 to an increasingly artistic strip in the burgeoning Bloordale neighbourhood. The new warehouse space represents an every-changing roster of local conceptual artists and international talent including Roger Ballen from Johannesburg and Marcel van Eeden from Zurich.

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