Le Francais En Partage
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Meet the owner

Many things unite Marion Weinspach and Virginie Suzanne, the two friends and associates behind Le français en partage. “We met when we were both working in the field of adult francization,” says Marion. “We quickly became friends because our stories are similar: we are both immigrants, and we both lived in countries where we did not speak the language. When that happens to you, you realize that speaking the language used in a country or region is crucial; it affects your ability to thrive at work, interact and build relationships.”

Through their personal experiences, Marion and Virginie became encouraged to help others, so that they do not have to go through the same struggles as them. “I realized that immigrants arriving in Montreal need appropriate French classes that are in line with the expectations and needs of the labour market in various sectors, that focus on the professional reality of an immigrant,” continues Virginie. The timing was perfect, as Marion was between jobs and Virginie was keen to bring her vision to life, so together they made this realization a reality. In 2013, they partnered up and Le français en partage was born.

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