Appliances, Bathroom, Building Supplies, Electrical, Flooring, Furniture, Hardware, Heating & Cooling, Home Décor, Kitchen, Ceiling Fans, Lighting, Outdoors, Paint, Plumbing, Storage & Organization, Tools, Windows & Doors, Électroménagers, Salle de bain
Your local Lowe's store has officially become a RONA+ store. Everything you love about Lowes and more.
Rona+ offers everyday low prices on all quality hardware products and constr...more...See more text
RONA La Broquerie Lumber / La Broquerie has the best articles and products for your renovation, construction, and home decoration projects.more...See more text
Tim-Br-Mart, Building Materials, Lumber, Interior And Exterior Decor, Tools And Hardware, Windows And Doors, Flooring, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchens And Bathrooms
At South End Lumber, we carry supplies for your entire building project. Located in Brandon, we carry plans for homes, decks, garages and more.more...See more text
We are a full service Home Hardware Building Centre. Carrying everything needed for your indoor/outdoor projects from building decks and fences to new home builds. We have a large ...more...See more text
RONA Pinecrest Lumber Ltd. / Nipawin has the best articles and products for your renovation, construction, and home decoration projects.more...See more text