PMS-Menopause, depression, Gastro-intestinal Disorders, Smoking Cessation, Arthritis, Sports & Back Injuries, Auto-immune Disorders, Cancer - Side Effects of Chemo, Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine, Women's Health Issues, anxiety, Non Surgical Cosmetic Facelift, stress, Acute & Chronic Pain
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine - Treatment of Acute Chronic pain, Anxiety, Depression and much more...visit our website for more treatmentsmore...See more text
Remote One On One Energy Sessions, Clearing Cellular Memories/debris, Reiki Master/Quantum & Healing Touch, Mastering The Conflict Within &Your Creator Levels, Mastery Of Relationships/the Exponential World Aro, Fragmented Soul Retrieval, Soul Language/Light Body Activations, Clearing Memories Of Past Lives, The Cause/core, Clearing Contracts/vows/promises/agreements/curses, Connecting To Your Entourage (light Bodies Again)
In the healing sessions with the assistance of your higher levels and the angelic host realms you will experience a pure direct channel of divine source energy for healing and free...more...See more text