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11440 Braeside Drive Southwest, Calgary, AB T2W 3E5 Get directions
American Cuisine, Take-out
KFC Calgary, AB has the taste you crave for a price you'll love. Treat yourself to the Colonel's famous fried chicken in a meal or in Zinger sandwiches! KFC covers all of your chic... more... See more text
100 Anderson Rd SE, Calgary, AB T2J 3V1 Get directions
South Centre Mall
Villa Madina has #PerfectShawarma. Since 2004, we have been serving customers across Canada an authentic and fresh Mediterranean menu. more... See more text


9310 Macleod Trail Southwest, Calgary, AB T2J 0P7 Get directions
American Cuisine, Take-out
KFC Calgary, AB has the taste you crave for a price you'll love. Treat yourself to the Colonel's famous fried chicken in a meal or in Zinger sandwiches! KFC covers all of your chic... more... See more text
6455 Macleod Trail SW, Calgary, AB T2H 0K9 Get directions
Chinook Centre, Thai Cuisine
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Takeout restaurants in Evergreen Calgary AB

Moving day, late night cravings, Friday night treat, there are many food takeout opportunities.  Before you base your choice solely on a random menu dropped in your mail box or from someone you just met off the street, here are some simple tips to guide your stomach to the best takeout food options in Evergreen Calgary AB.

Tips on how to find takeout restaurants in Evergreen Calgary AB

  • Takeout restaurant reviews: Online and newspaper takeout restaurant reviews in the food or lifestyle section are your best tools when trying to find the best takeout restaurants in Evergreen Calgary AB. Most reviews rate the restaurant’s service, food and delivery efficiency. These independent reviewers have no one to please but their finicky tastes and demands.
  • The concierge always knows: If you are travelling in a new city, your hotel’s concierge or the hotel staff will be able to find takeout restaurants that suit your taste buds and budget. The concierge will be able to place a takeout order for delivery.
  • What you’re looking for: Chinese restaurants are known for their efficiency when it comes to Chinese takeout. Most metropolitan areas have a Chinatown where the best Chinese food is delivered. Call the establishments ahead of time and ask about their takeout options so you can compare.
  • Ask the neighbourhood: Most local food vendors deal directly with the restaurants in your neighbourhood. Ask them about the restaurants they deal with and the kinds of meals they deliver. Remember that not all menu items are take out food options. 
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