How to pick the right construction toys for children

December 19, 2014

It may surprise you to learn that even today, plain old construction toys still appeal to kids. However, they do need to match a child’s age and development.

How to pick the right construction toys for children

Who are they for?

Boys and girls—young and old—and even parents enjoy playing with construction toys. The different toys provide specific benefits according to the child’s age group and their stage of development.


Until they’re two or three years of age, toddlers enjoy stacking blocks and other building components, all for the sheer pleasure of knocking them down again.

  • Before the age of three, they’re simply testing balance while learning about shapes and colours, without following a model.
  • The pieces must be easy to handle without any risk of injury (they should be large enough not to fit in your child’s mouth).
  • Foam games or magnetic construction toys are ideal.

Three to five years

From the age of three, creations become less abstract and children begin to reproduce shapes. Their creations look like towers, houses and animals.

  • The older they get, the more room there is for the imagination and they begin to recreate complex shapes influenced by their surroundings.
  • Construction toys for children of this age group are increasingly varied, ranging from wooden-block marble runs to plastic building block creations worthy of an experienced carpenter.

Five to seven years

Children this age aren't jaded by construction sets. They’ll want to follow a plan and build more complex objects, such as model airplanes or robots.

To each their own

Just like adults, every child has a unique personality and isn’t attracted to the same types of toys.

  • Some prefer building mobile technical objects (such as miniature cars) while others have more fun recreating their own little universes.
  • Ideally, you should introduce and mix various types of construction games as the child grows to stimulate his or her interests.

Developing strengths

In addition to promoting creativity, construction toys stimulate motor skill development, the ability to manipulate small objects and the ability to visualize a plan and then bring it into being.

Sharing construction toys with others teaches children about teamwork and how to compromise, share responsibilities and resolve disputes. It also helps children become more adept at reading a plan and following instructions. Check out your local toy store to find this classic toy for the child in your life.

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