Does the idea of chips make you salivate? Is it hard to shake the salt craving and think of anything else? Discover how to get your cravings under control.
October 29, 2014
Does the idea of chips make you salivate? Is it hard to shake the salt craving and think of anything else? Discover how to get your cravings under control.
Dopamine:Salt cravings, like sugar cravings arise in part because eating salt creates a sense of well-being. This is the result of dopamine being released in the brain. The effects of dopamine are also often associated with eating sugar, fat and salt.Dopamine is quite addictive, and is one of the factors which cause us to become “addicted” to food.
Deficiencies:Sodium deficiencies trigger a strong signal to eat salt. If you’ve fasted, are very hungry or just started dieting, you will likely feel the urge to eat salt–especially if your regular diet is high in sodium.
Habits:If you've always enjoyed salty foods, your deep-seated habits may increase your desire for salt on a psychological level. Even when your body doesn’t need the sodium, your habit is so ingrained that you crave the comfort of it (comfort food).
Hormones:During PMS and menstruation, women often experience unusually high salt cravings, which is linked to a hormonal imbalance.
It is well known that many people consume over twice their daily recommended salt serving, which is 1500mg to 2300mg per day. The cumulative and long-term effects of excessive salt intake are linked to:
Here's what you can do to control your salt intake, and your potato chip cravings:
Decrease your salt consumption gradually. This will ease your withdrawal and increase your chances of kicking the excess-salt habit for good.
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