Appliances, Bathroom, Building Supplies, Electrical, Flooring, Furniture, Hardware, Heating & Cooling, Home Décor, Kitchen, Ceiling Fans, Lighting, Outdoors, Paint, Plumbing, Storage & Organization, Tools, Windows & Doors, Électroménagers, Salle de bain
RONA North Vancouver (Park & Tilford) has the best articles and products for your renovation, construction, and home decoration projects.more...See more text
I have been taking equipment to Quality Saw and Knife for at least 10 years. I have always found them to be helpful, and the quality is excellent. I am thrilled that there are still locally owned and run businesses like this that I can visit.Read more
Based in Richmond, Thomas Skinner is a leading distributor of industrial metalworking products and machine shop supplies throughout western Canada. Since 1904, we've supplied busin...more...See more text
One of a kind Hardware store with one of a kind staff . Always ready to help you with your project . so many unique products available to purchase including local produce from surrounding farms
happy people, always happy to see you Read more
Technicut Industrial Supply, Inc. has been supplying quality cutting tools, abrasives and accessories to industry in Western Canada since 1993.Founded by Chris Sparrow and Steve Va...more...See more text